21-Day Challenge – Day 21 – Creating a ritual to manage your personal energy levels

I hope you have enjoyed the 21-day challenge on managing your personal energy! As you could experience over the last 3 weeks, satisfying your own psychological needs is reinforced if you put consciousness and intention in it. Our personal energy increases which results in increased efficiency, more productivity and an increased well-being feeling.

Creating a ritual is a great structure that helps you to keep focus. It also expresses that this is something important. And it is. It is your personal energy level.

Be your own guardian angel of your energy!  Who else would take care of it? You simply can’t delegate this responsibility. 

  • 8895080_mWhat kind of ritual or structure would support you in keeping awareness on your personal energy?
  • How can you create a ritual that speaks to your personality architecture and really works for you?
  • How can you make your structure easy, light and fun so that you can integrate it in your daily life.

Day 21 of this challenge is not the end. This is the beginning …

With best wishes,


Related blogs to the taking responsibility for your personal energy:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.


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21-Day Challenge – Day 20 – What happens if we don’t charge our batteries?

28441408_mWe’re coming to the end of our 21-day challenge and I’d like to take a moment to look at what happens if we do not charge our batteries. We loose leadership impact and set ourselves up for miscommunication and conflicts

Why is this? Based on the research done by  Dr. Taibi Kahler we know that if we do not get our psychological needs met in a positive way, we are unconsciously looking for ways to meet our needs in a negative way. Here’s what happens when the different psychological needs of the phase (*) are not met in positive ways:

  • A thinker with a psychological need of getting recognition for work and time structure, who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way through overcontrolling behavior
  • A persister with a psychological need of getting recognition for opinions and achievements who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way, which is through crusading and preaching behavior.
  • A harmonizer with a psychological need of getting recognition as a person and sensory needs who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way, which is through making silly mistakes.
  • A rebel with a psychological need of getting playful contact who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way, which is through blaming others for mistakes they made themselves
  • An imaginer with a psychological need of solitude who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way, which is through passive withdrawal – sitting and waiting, starting everything and not finishing anything.
  • A promoter with a psychological need of excitement who does not get his needs met in a positive way, will unconsciously look to get this need met in a negative way, which is through manipulating.

These are the 2nd degree distress behaviors which arise when we do not take care of our batteries and of our personal energy.  Leading from these 2nd degree distress behaviors is destructive as it damages relationships and we loose leadership impact. Communication from here is not possible as we are not in clear thinking modus, but in an unconscious predictable distress mechanism. Regardless of what happens in our lives, we are responsible for our own personal energy and for the impact we have on others. Charging your batteries with the PCM psychological needs is one powerful way to influence, manage your personal energy and keep your leadership impact positive and influential.

It is valuable!

Based on Research!

It works!

Feels good!

It’s fun!

and sparks your imagination!

If you haven’t joined a PCM seminar yet, come and join us! The next one is planned on October 29 till 31st. Contact me for details!

Which battery inside of you wants to be charged today?


Related blogs to the taking responsibility for your personal energy:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com – Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge. – Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto. Mark your calendars!  Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014. (*) The concept of base, phase and stages is explained in depth in our seminars.

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21-Day Challenge – Day 19 – «Play, so you may be serious!»

In the 6th Century BCE, a Scythian philosopher Anacharsis said:

«Play, so you may be serious!»

This quote expresses in such a cool way how «PCM battery charges» work: if we charge our batteries well, then we have access to all other parts in our personality architecture and are able to live and to lead from our full potential. »

Making a statement like that, we can assume that Anacharsis was probably a rebel, or at least in a rebel phase. This means that he had a psychological need for playful contact. He must have experienced that if this battery is charged, he has access to his more serious parts (the persister or thinker parts).

12232119_mThis is the reason why taking care of our psychological needs – our batteries – is so important and vital.

Doing this, gives us access to all other positive parts in our personality architecture and opens the door to our full potential.

Our range to lead from becomes wider and more expansive!


There are only 6 psychological needs to take care of:

  • Playful contact
  • Recognition for work, achievements and time structure
  • Recognition for opinions, achievements
  • Recognition as a person and sensory stimulation
  • Solitude
  • Excitement

The importance and the intensity of what we need is different from person to person. You will notice that some have a bigger effect on you than others.

Fact is that through charging all of your batteries, you take influence on your personal energy in the best possible way to have access to all of who you are and release your full potential. This is extremely valuable for your sovereignty in your leadership as you are much more resilient. Coming from a positive energy place, you will have friendlier, easier and deeper relationships, you will communicate with more clarity the direction in which you want to go forward. Your life will be more energetic and fun and you will enjoy the moments of solitude to reflect on your high impact energy. All of these outcomes influence your leadership in a brilliant way.

As you could experience through the 21-day challenge, it’s easy and powerful. All it takes is just a moment of daily awareness and intention on how to charge which battery each day!

Keep charging!



Related blogs to the taking responsibility for your personal energy:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.

Mark your calendars!  Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014.

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21-Day Challenge – Day 18 – Enjoying solitude

“I have never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.”

Henry David Thoreau, Walden


The imaginer part of us has a psychological need of solitude. For many people, it’s hard to imagine as they find it difficult to enjoy solitude.  Jean-Paul Sartre said: ““If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.” Loneliness and solitude are 2 very different states:

  • Loneliness is a negative state which drains your energy and can lead you into distress and depression
  • Solitude is a positive state which gives you energy and a feeling of renewal.

Let us explore the blissful state of solitude and gain some new perspectives:

Solitude as a psychological need is a positive state of being alone, without feeling lonely. It is a rich inner state of being in relationship with oneself. A state where you are your own best company and more than sufficient. Feel the peacefulness and the richness in the state of solitude. Experience how renewing and energizing solitude can be.

We all have a need for solitude and the amount each of us needs to renew and recharge is different. This depends on where our imaginer is in our personality architecture and how much energy we have available.

Learning to enjoy solitude can be a process that

  • teaches you to truly value your own company and become your own best friend
  • leads you into deeper self-awareness
  • opens up space for reflection and inner work
  • helps you to gain new perspectives on topics
  • allows you to relax in deep reading a book
  • helps you get access to your creativity and your imagination
  • gives you deeper insights in situation

To lead a balanced life, we need to hold both needs of being in relationship with others and being in relationship with ourself.  The movement of engaging with others and then withdrawing and needing some space alone is natural and needed for healthy relationships. Like low-tide and high-tide in perfect harmony.

  • Can you enjoy solitude?
  • What opens up for you when you immerse yourself in solitude?

Find some time to withdraw over the weekend and immerse yourself in solitude!

Enjoy deeply!


Related blogs to the psychological need of solitude:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.

Mark your calendars!  Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014.



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21-Day Challenge – Day 17 – Fun Friday

Zig Ziglar Motivation

Sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words!

Happy charging, keep smiling and

….stay open and curious for fun moments today!


* Related blogs to the psychological need of playful contact for the rebel personality type:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.

– Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014.


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21-Day Challenge – Day 16 – Beautiful Thursday

Today, we’re nurturing our harmonizer parts by giving them special care and attention.

My harmonizer parts get easily charged by beauty.  A beautiful environment charges the sensory needs of my batteries in a powerful way.  Spending time in nature, a beautiful view, even looking at a beautiful picture.  The same happens in meeting rooms.  A meeting room with beautiful colors, a beautiful view or inspiring paintings on the wall, feeds my energy. If meeting rooms are cold and functional, they can drain my energy. The worst are meeting rooms without windows.

FotoTaking influence on our environment if we can, or carefully choosing it is an easy way to take care of this battery too!

You don’t need to “do” anything and you can charge your battery simply by taking in the beauty!



How sensitive are you to the impact of your environment?

  • Does your environment at home charge your batteries?
  • What about your work environment?
  • Where can you take influence and use the environment to charge your harmonizer battery?

Make it a beautiful day!


– Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014.

Related blogs to the psychological need of recognition as a person and sensory stimulation:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.



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21-Day Challenge – Day 15 – Say YES! Wednesday

In the spotlights today: our battery for excitement and challenge!

Last week, we challenged ourselves during the day to bottom-line and get more done in a day’s time. This week, let’s take a “Say Yes” approach today and see what emerges from here. Whatever comes your way, “Say Yes”  – and take it from there!


Explore how exciting things can get! 

Be curious!

Go for it!

Say YES!

Take a risk.

Feel alive!


The intensity of your hunger for challenge depends on where you have your promoter energy in your architecture, how much energy you have available and depending if it is your base, your phase, your stage or simply one of your floors. If you do not have your PCM profile yet, you can register at one of our upcoming seminars or get in touch with me for a personal coaching.

Say YES to your success!


– Our next open PCM Seminar is scheduled for October 29-31, 2014.

Related blogs to the psychological need of excitement and challenge:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.

– All pictures used in our blogs are purchased from 123rd.com


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21-Day Challenge – Day 14 – Conscientious Tuesday: Leadership Opinions

I wish to honor your commitment to this 21-day challenge of satisfying your psychological needs to influence your personal energy.  It is a valuable investment of a little bit of your time with high rewards – as it directy impacts your leadership, your relationships, your own well-being. Your engagement is inspiring!

Today, we look into charging our persister battery, which is getting our psychological needs for recognition of opinions met in a positive way.

27306897_mTo do this, I invite you to observe your own opinion from a distance – and especially observe the motivation underneath.

  • When opinions are pushed motivated by ego and own agenda’s, they are not powerful and often get resistance.
  • When opinions are rooted in a deeper belief inside of you, passion, a strong conviction AND voiced for the sake of something bigger or beyond your own personal agenda, they are much more powerful.

This is when opinion gets the character of leadership. Observe your own opinion and explore where it comes from. From there, take a moment to reflect if your opinion is going to have the impact you intend to have.  Look for the deeper cause. Why is your opinion so important, for the sake of what? From here, take it forward and engage others.


Related blogs to the psychological need of getting recognition for opinions and convictions:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.



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21-Day Challenge – Day 13 – Sweet success – the power of intention

24728388_mA sincere and joyful thank you!

I have been delighted with many personal email messages of people joining in the 21-day Challenge on increasing our personal energy. Not only was it a joy to read your stories, with your emails, you have also been charging my battery, which keeps me joyfully motivated to continue this blog 🙂

We’ve been charging our batteries now for 2 weeks and the effect is simply powerful:

  • more energy
  • a better overall well-being feeling
  • more resilient
  • less stress
  • higher efficiency

One facet of leadership is your self-management: taking care and influencing your own energy levels. With this 21-day challenge, we are putting awareness and intention in managing our personal energy by satisfying our psychological needs of all 6 types in our personality architecture.

Why is doing this intentionally so powerful?

My definition of „intention“ is: «a consciously chosen quality of purpose and being»

  • Purpose because with the intention, you go for something you want for the sake of something better.
  • Being – because a true positive intention naturally brings you into a positive state of being AND you can give more power to the purpose if you are also intentional about how you want to be as a leader.

By satisfying your psychological needs with intention and awareness, you do not only experience this fabulous boost in your personal energy and efficiency, it also impacts your leadership and the world around you. If you are more balanced, more resilient, less stressed, have more energy, then you will be a better leader too. Your impact will be more inspirational, more open, you’ll have better relationships, are higher performing… only to name a few benefits.

Your energy is your responsibility and impacts your leadership.

You’ve been doing a great job! Well done!

Let’s start this third week in a powerful way again:

  • How are you going to charge your Thinker-battery today?
  • How will you set yourself up for getting recognition for your achievements and your work?
  • What will you celebrate and how will you do this?

Keep up the great work!

To your success!


Related blogs to the psychological need of getting recognition for achievements and time structure:

Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.


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21-Day Challenge – Day 12 – Imagine some time alone

Weekend. Did you make some space for the imaginer personality part inside of you?Charging the battery for the imaginer is freeing up some time for yourself, to recharge.

11056637_mFor some of us it is easy to just be alone, with ourselves, for some of us, this is more difficult. You can make this alone-time your space to dream. A space to allow your mind to wander off and take you into “What if”-scenarios… . You can use the imaginer psychological need to create a sacred space in your calendar – 30 minutes not to be disturbed. Or more or less – whatever amount of time contributes to increasing your personal energy.

Instead of letting your reflections float in “What if”-scenarios… you might want not to reflect at all and look for deep relaxation in silence.

It’s really about finding your own door opener to charging your psychological need of spending some time in solitude. There is not “one way”, in fact there are many ways.

For instance, you can choose to access silence through meditation (inaction) but also through e.g. running (action). When you choose action to access your inaction, it is like doing a meditation in movement.

If you choose to try this out, then

  • consider this sacred time to charge the battery of your imaginer.
  • Set the intention of focussing on running and breathing and creating space for your stillness.
  • Don’t take an ipod with loud music with you and leave your phone at home so that you cannot be disturbed.
  • Don’t go running with a friend and chatter whilst running as you will not be able to access this meditative state

When you are running your breathing naturally goes very deep and it stimulates the center from where meditative energy is released. Just run and breathe and you will experience that you cannot think anymore. You will run yourself in a meditative state and experience emptiness, stillness of the mind, pureness and simply your being. This is reenergizing and refreshing.

Some good quality being-alone-time can truly spark our imagination and also our mindfulness!

  • What does good quality alone-time mean for you?

Have a nice Sunday evening and a great start of the week!



Nicole Heimann is an experienced and passionate Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC), Certified Neuro-Transformation Coach (CNTC), Certified Process Communication Model Coach,  specialized in Conscious Leadership and Impactful Communication. Contact me at nicole.heimann@5cconcept.com

– Here’s the link to the introduction post of the 21-day challenge.

– Please note that the concept of psychological needs related to the PCM personality types is based on solid research and scientifically validated work done by Dr. Taibi Kahler. All content related to this are the proprietary rights of Taibi Kahler Associates, Inc. Nicole is a licensed and certified independent distributor of the Process Communication Model and all materials related thereto.



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